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Sea Cliff Consulting

Consulting firm WordPress website redesign

“If you build it, he will come” wasn’t quite working out for Sea Cliff Consulting as it did for Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams. They had a website, yet the sales leads they desired were not rolling in. They needed the right content that their target audience was searching for and an aesthetically pleasing website to reflect their deep-level of competency. Working with Atlantic BT, they found one partner who could deliver strategy and execution for all of their website redesign needs.

At a glance.

Sea Cliff Consulting

Sea Cliff Consulting is a Raleigh, North Carolina based management consultant firm. They solve strategic business problems within corporate finance, operations, and sales and marketing using analytics and big data technologies. Sea Cliff has a track record of effective advisory services with clients coast to coast from Global 10 to the Fortune 500.


The ask.

Sea Cliff’s target audience are business leaders looking for high-level solutions to big business challenges – process improvements, growth strategies, post-merger integrations, and more. They wanted innovative web solutions to improve their website and better convey their capabilities. The site failed to reflect their true competency, which is required to garner trust from potential new clients. It lacked the creditable content required to drive new prospective leads to their site. Additionally, the backend of the website lacked the structure required for Sea Cliff to manage that content.

The solution.

With content being such an important factor for Sea Cliff’s website redesign, they selected the right partner in Atlantic BT. Our team facilitated a content strategy workshop offering a myriad of ways to help them gather and develop content using SEO best practices. We then revamped their menu systems, creating improved user journeys. We also rebuilt their WordPress application to include SEO-friendly HTML markup, Google Analytics tracking, gravity forms, and multi-browser support. Our design team built a beautiful, updated design to mirror the professionalism that Sea Cliff’s consultants deliver.

The end result.

Atlantic BT’s web solutions equipped Sea Cliff’s team with the knowledge and infrastructure to develop and share content on their website and generate the sales leads they desired. Their overall SEO improved tremendously. On average, their newly designed website attracted 14x more visitors and their organic search acquisition rate doubled.