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WordPress Design and Development Services

15+ years of WordPress mastery at your service

WordPress is a comprehensive content management system, thanks to its accessibility and adaptable, modular structure. We didn’t start with version 1 in 2004, but we began implementing our first solutions shortly thereafter. Over time we’ve honed our skills building and managing hundreds of WordPress-driven websites.

If you’re looking for a team to help you leverage all of the features and power of WordPress while maintaining clean, secure, and performant code, we’re a great fit. Employing a dev/ops philosophy, we merge development and engineering expertise to deploy WordPress websites and portals of varying scales with elegance.

Let’s talk WordPress.

With a robust and brand-consistent platform we are now in a much better position to serve the needs of our campuses.

HAVEN HOTTEL Assistant VP for Communications & Marketing at Campbell University

Our custom WordPress websites in action

Training Industry

The Atlantic BT and Training Industry partnership began with our team overhauling an early version of their website. They later sought our help again to develop an integration strategy between their website, and their Learning Management System.

As part of a multi-site WordPress redesign for, Atlantic BT developed a new user-centric content strategy and navigation. With our help, became a cohesive digital ecosystem that engages students and staff across all devices.
Sumitomo Electric Lightwave

Technology company WordPress redesign

As their company grew to a $1 billion dollar company, Sumitomo’s website failed to keep up. The website redesign for this data center, enterprise, and communication network solutions company improved user experience for their clients and technicians.

Want to see examples of all our work?

Our Team of Experts

Our team is your powerhouse of expertise, ready to support and elevate your website, whether through a complete overhaul or targeted enhancements. Beyond our professional excellence, we value a harmonious balance between work and creativity. Visit our About Us page to meet the team. You’ll get a glimpse of our vibrant team culture through AI-generated profile pictures that showcase our ABTers in various imaginative avatars. It’s a fun peek into how we blend generative AI technology with our passion for innovative web design.

WordPress Development Services

WordPress doesn’t just power websites; it powers potential. As the most popular content management system (CMS) globally, it’s the engine behind a vast portion of the internet. From small personal blogs to large-scale enterprise websites, WordPress’s robust, flexible platform supports a diverse array of digital needs. Its popularity isn’t just a testament to its capabilities but also to its adaptability, offering a user-friendly environment that democratizes web development for all.

Why Choose WordPress?

The question isn’t why choose WordPress, but why go anywhere else? Its ease of use is matched only by its incredible flexibility and extensive feature set. Whether you’re a small business or a multinational corporation, WordPress provides a scalable, customizable foundation that can adapt and grow with your business. It simplifies the digital experience, making it accessible to anyone, anywhere, without sacrificing power or functionality.

There are many reasons WordPress is a solid choice.

Check out our article Is WordPress the best option for my CMS for a more in depth look.

User-Friendly Interface

WordPress is renowned for its intuitive interface, making content management straightforward for users of all skill levels. This platform allows for easy navigation, editing, and updating of content, ensuring that managing your website’s content is efficient and hassle-free. With WordPress, you gain the capability to keep your website dynamic and engaging, all without the need for deep technical knowledge.

Extensive Customization with Themes and Plugins

WordPress offers unparalleled customization for developers through its core system and wide range of plugins. This flexibility allows us to design your websites to perfectly match your brand identity and meet specific functional requirements. Whether you’re looking to create a visually stunning online portfolio or a feature-rich eCommerce platform, WordPress provides the tools necessary to tailor your site to your exact preferences and needs.

Scalability and Performance

One of the core strengths of WordPress is its scalability. As your business grows, your website can seamlessly scale up to meet increasing demands, from traffic spikes to expanding content libraries. WordPress sites are designed to maintain high performance and reliability, ensuring that your website provides a consistent, quality experience for users at all stages of your business’s growth.

Community and Support

The WordPress community is a vast and resourceful network of developers, designers, and users. This collective wealth of knowledge and experience provides an extensive support system for WordPress site owners. Whether you’re seeking advice on best practices, troubleshooting issues, or exploring new features, the WordPress community offers a supportive environment to help you maximize your website’s potential.

Enhancing WordPress Performance

Optimization Techniques

Enhancing your WordPress site’s performance involves several key strategies aimed at increasing speed and efficiency. These include implementing caching to reduce the load times of your pages, optimizing images to decrease their file sizes without compromising quality, and minimizing the code on your site through techniques like code minification. Together, these practices significantly improve your website’s loading times and overall user experience.

Responsive Design

Ensuring your WordPress site is responsive is crucial for accessibility across all devices. A responsive design automatically adjusts your site’s layout to fit the screen size of the device it’s being viewed on, whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or desktop. This adaptability enhances user experience by providing a seamless viewing process, crucial for keeping your audience engaged regardless of how they access your site.

Security Best Practices

Maintaining the security of your WordPress site is essential to protect it from threats and vulnerabilities. This includes regularly updating WordPress itself, themes, and plugins to their latest versions, which often include security patches. Implementing strong password policies, utilizing security plugins for enhanced protection, and conducting regular backups are also key measures. These practices safeguard your site, ensuring it remains a secure and trustworthy platform for your users.

WordPress Integrations

Extending Functionality

WordPress’s architecture allows for easy integration with a wide range of third-party services and APIs, enhancing your website’s capabilities. This enables your site to support various functionalities, from social media integration and analytics to advanced payment systems. By leveraging these integrations, you can create a more dynamic and interactive user experience, enriching your site with features that serve your business objectives and meet your users’ needs.

Ecommerce Solutions with WooCommerce

WooCommerce is a powerful WordPress plugin that transforms your site into a fully functional online store. It seamlessly integrates with your existing WordPress site, offering a robust platform to sell products or services online. WooCommerce provides comprehensive tools for managing your product inventory, processing payments, and handling shipping options, making it an ideal solution for businesses looking to expand their sales online. Its flexibility and ease of use make it suitable for a wide range of eCommerce projects, from small startups to large-scale online stores.

SEO and Marketing Tools

WordPress supports a variety of SEO and marketing tools that are essential for improving your website’s visibility and engaging with your audience. These tools help optimize your site for search engines, ensuring your content ranks higher in search results and reaches a wider audience. Additionally, WordPress offers plugins and features for social media integration, email marketing, and analytics, allowing you to build and execute a comprehensive digital marketing strategy directly from your website. Utilizing these tools effectively can significantly enhance your online presence and drive more traffic to your site.

Yoast Premium is one of our favorites!

Managing Your WordPress Site

Content Management

WordPress offers an efficient content management system that enables straightforward publishing, editing, and organization of your website’s content. Its user interface is designed to facilitate easy management of posts, pages, and media, supporting your goal to keep your website’s content updated and relevant. The platform allows for the categorization and tagging of content, improving your site’s structure and search engine optimization. Additionally, WordPress’s media management features ensure that incorporating and editing images and videos is a seamless process, enhancing the overall appeal of your website.

Product Catalog Management with WooCommerce

WooCommerce transforms your WordPress site into a powerful eCommerce platform, providing extensive capabilities for managing your online store’s product catalog. It offers an intuitive interface for adding, editing, and organizing products, including detailed descriptions, images, and prices. WooCommerce also facilitates inventory management, allowing you to track stock levels, manage backorders, and receive notifications for low-stock items. This integration ensures your online store operates efficiently, providing a smooth shopping experience for your customers and simplifying the management process for you.

Updates and Maintenance

Keeping your WordPress site updated and well-maintained is crucial for ensuring its security, performance, and functionality. Atlantic BT performs regular updates to WordPress core, themes, and plugins are essential to protect your site from security vulnerabilities and to incorporate new features and improvements. A consistent maintenance schedule should also include checks for broken links or pages, ensuring your website remains operational and user-friendly. By prioritizing updates and maintenance, you safeguard your site’s integrity and ensure it continues to meet the needs of your business and your audience effectively.

LinkWhisper Pro is a great plugin for both finding broken links and suggesting new links within your content.

Software Updates & Ongoing Support

Tailored Solutions

Every business is unique, and sometimes off-the-shelf solutions don’t quite fit. Our custom theme and plugin development services are about crafting solutions that meet your specific needs. From bespoke designs that reflect your brand identity to custom functionalities that streamline your operations, our team works with you to create a WordPress site that is truly your own.

Professional Support

Our commitment to your WordPress site goes beyond development. We offer comprehensive support and maintenance services to ensure your site continues to operate smoothly and efficiently. Whether it’s troubleshooting issues, implementing updates, adding new features, or a complete redesign, our team is here to provide the ongoing support your business needs to thrive online.

Our other platforms

Atlantic BT is an expert in many different platforms. Check out all of our areas of expertise.