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Core Expertise: AI

Bring the benefits of AI within reach. We make AI easy, from planning to implementation. 

There’s immense potential for artificial intelligence in your organization, yet implementing AI is daunting. We make AI simple and practical. With decades of experience, we’ve been translating the latest tech into results since 1998. 

So while AI may seem new, it’s not. We’ve been quietly building sophisticated solutions for decades using the same approaches leveraged in AI development. Whether you have a clear vision for AI or need guidance, our Practical AI Roadmap process ensures maximum value delivery for your organization. We prioritize the delivery of high-value, low-effort AI solutions, evolving your AI Roadmap as technology advances.

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Atlantic BT was absolutely transformational in our technology planning. We were having a hard time putting together a cohesive roadmap, but the team at ABT was able to help identify clear, practical opportunities for AI to change the future of our business (and how we were looking at it).

ANDREW BARTLETT Director of Software and Technology at Comfort Monster Heating & Air

Our custom websites in action

Comfort Monster

AI consulting for HVAC company

Comfort Monster turned to Atlantic BT to explore how AI could best be integrated into their existing processes.
Training Industry

AI consulting for HVAC company

The Atlantic BT and Training Industry partnership began with our team overhauling an early version of their website. They later sought our help again to develop an integration strategy between their website, and their Learning Management System.
Comfort Monster Heating & Air

AI consulting for HVAC company

Enhanced image management for Ramona Optics was delivered by ABT with a React site featuring OpenSeadragon and AWS scripts.

Want to see examples of all our work?

Our Team of Experts

Our team is your powerhouse of expertise, ready to support and elevate your website, whether through a complete overhaul or targeted enhancements. Beyond our professional excellence, we value a harmonious balance between work and creativity. Visit our About Us page to meet the team. You’ll get a glimpse of our vibrant team culture through AI-generated profile pictures that showcase our ABTers in various imaginative avatars. It’s a fun peek into how we blend generative AI technology with our passion for innovative web design.


How Stable is Your Website?

  • Do you keep and audit regular backups of your data and/or content?
  • Is the code for your website stored in a secure repository?
  • Do you have a policy governing updates for the CMS, plugins, and/or code libraries?
  • How frequently are there problems with making multiple code changes and code getting overwritten?
  • Are your deployments automated or does someone manually push (FTP) code?
  • Do you maintain development, staging, and production versions of your website?
  • Do you regularly scan for performance, security, and accessibility problems?

Need help with your checklist?

Embrace innovation to drive new value for your organization. Let’s innovate something great together.

Implementing AI applications in business

Incorporating artificial intelligence technologies into a business isn’t much different than the process a business would have gone through when it incorporated any other new technology of its time. Such as, the internet, social media, e-commerce, smart phones, and cloud computing.

Here is a high-level overview of how any business can implement AI applications into their business operations today:

Assess Your Business Needs

The first step in AI implementation is to assess your business needs and identify the areas where AI can add value. Check out this article with practical use cases for where AI applications can be implemented across many common business departments like accounting, human resources and marketing.

Data Collection and Preparation

AI relies on high-quality data to generate accurate insights and predictions. Your data may need to be cleaned, processed, and labeled to ensure it is suitable for AI model training.

Model Development and Training

AI models are the core components of AI systems. And if you do not have someone in your organization with development experience, you should definitely consider partnering with an AI Consultant to help you design and develop AI models using appropriate algorithms and techniques.

Integration and Deployment

Once your AI models are trained and validated, they need to be integrated into your existing systems or applications.

Monitoring and Evaluation

After AI deployment, it is crucial to monitor the performance of your AI systems and evaluate their impact on your business.

Continuous Improvement

Like any other technology, AI is an iterative process that requires continuous improvement and optimization. Your AI applications will require updates to ensure they remain effective and secure. And as your business needs evolve, your systems will need to evolve with them.

How to Get Started

Executive Primer

Does your leadership team need a jumpstart in their AI knowledge? We’ll introduce your team to critical AI concepts for business. Includes a brief history, AI concepts, strategy, and  best practices for driving business results.

AI Roadmap

We’ll help your organization build a practical AI roadmap. What opportunities will have the most impact and the lowest effort? We’ll help uncover opportunities, quantify the ROI, and determine the AI readiness of your organization to take advantage of each opportunity.


When it comes to deploying technology we have decades of experience engineering critical and secure applications. AI requires a mature development process and expert data science.

AI Consulting

If you need help with a specific issue related to AI we can help. Let us know what challenge or opportunity you’re facing and we can help. 

What we believe in

It’s important to agree on what AI should do (and shouldn’t).

We believe the purpose of AI is not to replace humans and certainly not to threaten humanity. In the modern organization AI should be used to reduce boring, unenjoyable workloads to unlock human potential and creativity. AI should be governed by humans and critical outputs monitored to ensure accuracy and ethics, especially for critical or customer facing workloads.

In our vision of AI your people will be happier, you will outperform your market, and your bottom line will grow.

Still Strategizing?

Here is a bit of practical information to help think about AI in your organization.

There are countless ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can enhance businesses. The current capabilities of AI will fall into the following general categories:


Sometimes the lines are a bit blurred between machine learning and AI especially in this category of AI capability.

Classification in general can be defined as the systematic grouping of observations into categories. 

Some examples are:

  • SPAM/bulk email detection
  • Quality control
  • Dynamic content categorization


There really isn’t much need to redefine prediction. Asking AI to predict an outcome with either a little or a lot of information is the heart of the concept.

Some examples are:

  • Credit risk/rating
  • Insurance actuarial
  • Mechanical or machine failure


Systems designed to interpret and understand inputs from the external environment in a way that mimics human sensory functions. 

Some examples are:

  • Computer Vision
  • Speech Recognition
  • Olfactory and Gustatory Sensors


The language capability of AI has been responsible for a lot of the recent AI hype.  The term GPT, generative pre-trained transformer, is essentially a family of large language models (LLMs).

Some examples are:

  • Answering questions
  • Writing content
  • Changing tone of text

Intelligent Agents

Intelligent agents can be given actual tasks and can be expected to complete them. In most cases you are probably building on top of other AI capabilities. 

Some examples are:

  • an AI agent that can book corporate travel
  • A chatbot that can sell you a product
  • An agent that calls prospects and sets up meetings

Benefits of working with Atlantic BT for your AI Development needs.

Professional Knowledge

We’re up-to-date on the latest advancements in the industry and understand the complexities involved in AI implementation. Leveraging our expertise will help your business make informed decisions right from the start . Having an AI consultant on board, means you’ll gain access to a whole team of experts, without needing to develop in-house knowledge.

Cost-Effective Solutions

We’ll help your business identify areas where AI enhancements can generate significant cost savings. We’ll analyze existing workflows, identify bottlenecks, and propose AI-driven solutions to streamline operations. By leveraging this advanced technology, businesses can achieve higher productivity and allocate resources more effectively, resulting in long-term cost savings.

Keeping Up with Technology

The AI landscape is constantly evolving, with new tools and techniques emerging regularly. Whether it’s implementing state-of-the-art algorithms or adopting innovative applications, we’ll ensure your business remains at the forefront of technology.

Competitive Advantage

Working with a team of experts will allow your business to identify AI-driven opportunities to outperform competitors. We’ll analyze market trends, assess customer preferences, and recommend solutions that align with business goals. By harnessing the power of AI, businesses can differentiate themselves in the market and drive sustainable growth.

You have questions, we have answers

Questions & Answers

How does AI work?

In its most simplest form, AI programming is centered around three key cognitive abilities: learning, reasoning, and self-correction.

The learning aspect of AI programming centers on the acquisition of data and the development of rules for transforming that data into actionable insights. These rules, known as algorithms, provide a step-by-step guide for computing systems to follow when executing a specific task.

The reasoning aspect involves AI’s capacity to select the most suitable algorithm from a pool of options based on the context at hand.

The self-correction aspect focuses on the ability of AI technology to continuously adjust and refine its output until it successfully achieves the desired objective.

Is there a difference between AI and ML?

Yes. While Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are often used interchangeably, they are not the same. 

AI is a broad concept that refers to machines or software mimicking human intelligence. It’s about creating systems that can perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence. These tasks include learning from experience, understanding natural language, recognizing patterns, and making decisions.

On the other hand, ML is a subset of artificial intelligence. It’s a method of training machines to improve their performance on a specific task over time, without being explicitly programmed to do so. In ML, an algorithm learns from data. The more data it processes, the better it gets at the task it’s designed for.

So, in essence, while AI is about making machines intelligent, ML is one of the ways we’re achieving it.

Will AI replace human labor?

It is highly unlikely that AI will completely replace humans. It is more likely to complement and enhance human work, automating routine tasks and allowing humans to focus on more valuable activities. Additionally, developing and maintaining AI systems requires specialized knowledge, creating new job opportunities in fields like computer science and machine learning technology.

How much does AI cost?

Just like with any other development project, the costs associated with designing and developing your AI solution will vary. Depending on your project, that range can be anywhere from a few thousand to millions of dollars. Available data, current infrastructure, software, project objectives, etc. will all impact the complexity and thus cost of the project. 

The only way to accurately estimate a development project is to look at the specifics of what you want to achieve. Atlantic BT accomplishes this through an AI Discovery, which is very similar to the Discovery Phase of Our Process when developing any other type of application. During this process, we’ll be able to rapidly determine functional requirements and build a plan that will ensure success within an established budget. Atlantic BT will then provide you with a comprehensive breakdown of the timeline, cost and any additional resources needed for your project.

I don’t know much about AI, where do I even begin?

“Fear of the unknown” shouldn’t paralyze you from considering how new technology may positively impact your business. A valuable starting point to enhance your knowledge of AI and ML is with Atlantic BT’s blog. This section of our website offers a wealth of valuable resources, including insights into the history, use cases across various departments, and a comprehensive roadmap for getting started with any AI implementation project. 

Our AI Discovery is a great first step for business leaders who aren’t quite sure what area of their business can benefit the most from AI applications. The goal of our AI Discovery is to help you to identify systems and business workflows that can be improved with this sophisticated technology. Reach out today to get started.

Is AI safe?

Artificial Intelligence is a tool, and like any tool, its safety depends on how it’s used. When designed, developed, and deployed responsibly, AI can be safe and extremely beneficial. However, there are valid concerns about its misuse. Issues such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the fear of job displacement are often discussed in the context of its safe use. It’s important for organizations to address these concerns by implementing ethical guidelines, prioritizing transparency, and ensuring that AI systems are auditable.

At Atlantic BT, we’re committed to the responsible use of AI. We adhere to best practices in development and deployment, ensuring that the AI solutions that we work with are not only effective but also respectful of user privacy and fairness. We believe that with the right approach, AI can be both safe and transformative for your business.

How does AI impact cybersecurity?

AI plays a dual role in cybersecurity, as both a defender and a potential threat. As a defender, AI tools can enhance cybersecurity measures through more sophisticated threat detection and predictive capabilities. However, it can also pose threats to cybersecurity. Cybercriminals can use AI to carry out more sophisticated attacks. For example, they can automate their attack processes or use the technology to better hide their activities. Businesses must also be aware of the potential harm of AI Bias. If a system is trained on biased data, it could lead to unfair outcomes, which could be exploited by malicious actors.

At Atlantic BT, we understand the complexities of AI in cybersecurity. Our goal is to ensure that our use of any technology provides the maximum benefit to your business while minimizing potential threats.