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Our Process


This is the phase where the developers take over and start building the underlying infrastructure, the platform on which all else rests. They build the features and functionality as specified in the technical specifications from discovery. Front-end developers implement the design concepts and user interface created in the design phase. Our software development life cycle is mature, hardened, and secure. We use industry-standard continuous integration, static code analysis, and modern DevOps principles to build and secure code.

Developing unlimited possibilities.

Languages & Frameworks

Languages are at the heart of development. Some have been ABT core competencies for a very long time, others are modern frameworks we might use when building custom web applications.
HTML down arrow

HTML is the foundation of web pages, defining their structure and appearance. It’s a standard developed by W3C for creating web content.

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CSS down arrow

CSS is a style sheet language that defines the appearance of web pages, allowing developers to create consistent UI/UX and unique designs with animations.

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PHP down arrow

PHP Development is a programming language used to create dynamic web applications. It is used to create custom websites, content management systems, web APIs, and more.

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.NET down arrow

Leverage the power of .NET languages and frameworks with AtlanticBT’s development expertise. Build robust and scalable solutions for your business needs.

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JavaScript down arrow

Javascript is an incredibly powerful programming language that allows developers to create amazing websites and applications with ease. 

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Angular down arrow

Angular is a JavaScript-based platform that is a bit like a Swiss Army knife for building websites and web applications.

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Laravel down arrow

Laravel is a PHP-based application framework with elegant syntax that aims to make development pleasing without sacrificing functionality.

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Content & Ecommerce Systems

Content management systems and ecommerce platforms are robust and ready for custom designs and features.
WordPress down arrow

WordPress is a CMS that’s one of the most user-friendly and flexible systems out there, a favorite for individuals and businesses alike.

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Drupal down arrow

Drupal is a robust CMS known for its scalability, security, and customization. Learn more about Atlantic BT’s Drupal development process.

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Umbraco down arrow

Umbraco is a Microsoft .NET CMS that streamlines the process of building and managing websites with a focus on flexibility and user control.

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Magento down arrow

Magento is a comprehensive e-commerce platform that offers businesses the tools and capabilities to create and operate online stores

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Integrations & Data

Handling integrations, database schema, and migrations and are all common practices at ABT.
Integrations down arrow

Web-based integrations refer to the process of linking online systems and applications, allowing them to exchange data efficiently.

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Application Architecture down arrow

Application Architecture involves planning, managing, and reviewing web development projects to design and construct the systems for building applications.

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MySQL down arrow

MySQL is an incredibly popular open source SQL database, used by developers and businesses around the world.

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Microsoft SQL down arrow

Microsoft SQL is a secure and powerful database system by Microsoft, enabling fast and easy storage and access of data through structured query language.

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Content Migration down arrow

Content migration is a strategic process used to move content from one content management system to another.

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Data Migration down arrow

Data migration is the transfer of data between systems, involving moving and upgrading data for improved content management and system capabilities.

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QA & Standards

We care about quality. We want our work to be right, so that you can be set up for success.
Search Engine Optimization down arrow

Boost your online visibility with Atlantic BT’s expert search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. Drive traffic and reach your target audience effectively.

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Accessibility down arrow

Web accessibility is the practice of making websites and web applications more accessible for people with disabilities.

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Code Reviews down arrow

Code reviews are an important part of the software development life cycle (SDLC) and are essential for ensuring quality and best practices in web development.

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Quality Assurance down arrow

Quality Assurance (QA) is an important process used to ensure that web and software products meet the highest of standards.

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Unit Tests down arrow

Ensure code quality and reliability with Atlantic BT’s unit testing approach. Build robust software solutions with confidence and minimize potential issues.

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Automated UI Tests down arrow

Automated UI tests are vital for QA teams, allowing automatic validation of the user interface (UI) in web pages or applications.

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