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You don’t need a hallway to have a hallway test.

Here at Atlantic BT we take great pride in our Experience Design capabilities.  They help guide our designers and developers into making some truly outstanding websites.  We’ve equipped ourselves with a series of tools and methodologies that are proven to deliver delighted users. We rely on user stories, card sorting, site outlines,  interviews and wire-frames to guide our projects to completion.

In between these processes we find ourselves turning, in a pinch, to a great tool.  The Hallway test.

Just yesterday I was working with a designer on a website’s navigation issue.  We discussed what it could be, sketched out our ideas, and the designer crafted a working prototype.  The interface functioned exactly as we had described, but we were both unsure if it would be understood by our users.  Since we had both been involved in the process from idea to near-execution, we were both tainted.  We were no longer impartial about this idea.

To test our navigation scheme we literally stepped down the hall to find another Atlantic BT staffer with no knowledge of what we were working on.  We sat her down in front of the prototype and asked her two seemingly simple questions:

  • Where do you think you are in this website now?
  • “How do you get to a different page within this section of the website?”

Since this was her first exposure to the page, we knew her experience would be similar to that of our users.

The Helpful Sound of Crickets Chirping

She took glance, made a few guesses, and neither matched up with our plan.

Her answer revealed some confusion about a navigation scheme we thought would work.  We then repeated the same Hallway Test with two other co-workers with the same results.  We knew we had to re-examine our idea and then retest with different people who are not tied to the project.  (Our original Hallway testers were now tainted to what we were trying to accomplish).

This simple act of checking the validity of our ideas early (and often) has saved us from a lot of rework later on down the line.  The Hallway Test isn’t the most accurate or powerful user experience test, but is pretty great for quick checks of new ideas.

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Questions & Answers

Are there differences in application architecture that are important for the cloud?
It is important to build applications and workloads specifically for the cloud. You will want to carefully consider what services the cloud provider of your choice has to offer and how your application leverages those services.
Learn More about Are there differences in application architecture that are important for the cloud?
Are there any drawbacks to cloud hosting?
Yes, there will always be some risks associated with any hosting option. You are relying on the resiliency and engineering of infrastructure that has scaled at an astounding rate.
Learn More about Are there any drawbacks to cloud hosting?
What’s the benefit of hosting in the cloud vs. traditional options?
Reasons not to host in the cloud are few and far between. If you don't host in the cloud, you will spend more in both CapEx and OpEx to manage your applications or websites in a traditional environment.
Learn More about What’s the benefit of hosting in the cloud vs. traditional options?
How can I improve the performance of my application?
There are several primary reasons that applications perform poorly, and in some cases it’s a combination of several. 1) Data latency: If your application is making calls to a data source (whether it’s an API or a direct call) and there is latency at the data provider, your application performance will suffer.
Learn More about How can I improve the performance of my application?
Should I move my application to the cloud?
The answer is ‘probably yes’. There aren’t many reasons for an application to be hosted elsewhere, aside from occasional compliance standards, or requirements to integrate with local services that would require large amounts of data to move from on-premise to cloud.
Learn More about Should I move my application to the cloud?
Where should my application be hosted?

There are many different options for hosting, but most applications would do well with one of the cloud providers -- Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure.

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