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How to Work With More Than One Web Development Company

For large, complex web development projects – such as those for universities and government institutions – establishing a new online presence is an intense undertaking. It’s not as simple as hiring a single provider and letting them get to work. You might need the assistance of multiple development teams, particularly if one has expertise with a particular software package or programming methodology.

Bringing two or more web development companies in to work together can be vital to achieving the right outcome. Here at Atlantic BT, we regularly partner with colleagues in our field to develop complex websites and platforms.  We’ve proudly maintained working relationships with the good folks at Red Hat and Constellation, to name a few. Here are a few tips you can use to keep multiple vendors moving forward in sync. 

Make Your Needs and Expectations Clear

All of your web development vendors should participate in the discovery process together.  Collectively, you can agree on necessary benchmarks for success. You’ll want everyone involved to know what you’re trying to achieve and which priorities carry the most weight.

It’s a good idea to have key goals and deadlines written and signed into agreement. This provides clarity.  The clearer the expectations, the more likely you and your vendors are to achieve your goals.

Keep the Lines of Communication Open

Teams work best together when everyone communicates

Each of your web development teams will likely be handling different aspects of the project. Therefore, they need to be “in the loop” with one another during the design, revision, and testing phase. Any design changes can necessitate adjustments for other teams to make in related areas of the website.

If you don’t have an open line of communication between both of your web development partners, you could find yourself facing duplicated work and unnecessary costs or delays.

Figure Out Where Skills Overlap

Even if your web development partners have different specialties, it’s likely that there will be some overlap between their skills and roles. For example, both may be proficient with developing user interfaces, or setting up data entry automation.

To avoid conflict, or duplicated roles, it’s best to map out various stages of the project in advance. It also helps to anticipate points where multiple people might be working on the same solutions. You can then delegate specific pieces in a way that makes sense.

Make a Plan for Key Decisions to be Made

Work your way to the top with those who share your goals Even among collaborative vendors, there are going to be differences in opinion and style. Large, involved projects need to have a plan in place for any potential decision making. 

In other words, your creative partner should know who to contact when a big decision needs to be made. You should also make it clear to your internal staff how these types of situations are going to be resolved and documented.

Have a Need for Institutional Web Design and Development?

Do you have a need for website that’s a bit more complex than that of the average small business or nonprofit? Atlantic BT can help you plan, manage, and execute institutional web design at any scale. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We can help move your project from concept to launch.


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