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Why a Post Panda and Penguin SEO Audit is Essential

Made It Through Panda and Penguin?

Feel like your website made it through the Google algorithm changes? Maybe, but a complete checkup is the only way to know for sure. Google’s algorithm changes are ongoing. There are more changes coming.

Did you know that Google is writing listing descriptions from your website’s H1 tags? Google’s post-Panda desire is to find the truth of the page, and they are ignoring possibly overstuffed <title> and <description> meta to instead pull descriptions from your page’s content, especially H1 tags.

Here are a few of the implications of Google’s use of H1’s as page descriptions:

  • H1’s should have keywords.
  • H1’s are being concatenated after 65 characters.
  • Multiple H1’s, never a good idea, can be very damaging now.
  • Multiple H2’s is not a problem.

See How Google is Describing Your Pages in 3 Easy Steps

It is easy to see how Google is naming your pages:

1. Google search “Site:<>” to see your website’s indexed pages.

2. Review the descriptions and identify their source (probably H1 tags).

3. Make sure your descriptions use the best keywords for your website and the page.

Example of Google Using H1 As Listing Description

Here is an example of a listing using a website that is not an Atlantic BT client,

Etymotic Google Listing with h1 as description

The highlighted listing is for this page:

Etymotic H1 as description example

Here is the page’s Title:

<title> Etymotic Research, Inc. – High-Fidelity Noise Isolating Earphones and Headsets </title>

Here is the page’s Description:

<meta name=”description” content=”Etymotic Research, Inc. is the world leader of In-The-Ear Technology and Hearing Instrumentation” />

Here is the H1 and the source of the Google listing:

<h1>High-Fidelity Noise Isolating Earphones and Headsets</h1>

DIY SEO Google Description Audit

If you like to work under your website’s hood, follow the steps above to see your current page descriptions. If you know how to do the keyword research needed to enrich your H1 tags, then keyword research should be your second step.

If you need help with a Post Panda and Penguin SEO checkup, let your Atlantic BT contact know you need help.

New customers, email the head of consulting services Mike.McTaggart(at)Atlanticbt(dot)com . Mike and his team will be glad to get your website in for a complete SEO checkup.

or call 919.518.0670.

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