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What Type of Clients Collaborate Best with ABT?

A culture of collaboration is everything. Moreover, that applies to more than just different departments—when it comes to projects with our clients, it’s essential that these clients collaborate closely with us in developing their solutions.

Over the past 19 years, we’ve found the following characteristics to be strong indicators of clients who will collaborate well with Atlantic BT to create highly successful projects and healthy partnerships. This is by no means a list of requirements to hire ABT, but your organization will work best with us if:

You want to be an engaged part of the process.

To collaborate, you must engage.
To collaborate, you must engage.

We are experts in digital solutions, but you are the experts in your business. That means we need to work closely with you to leverage your expertise for maximum effect.

You understand and appreciate team efforts.

You can't collaborate without trusting your team.
You can’t collaborate without trusting your team.

We find the collaboration of many minds across disciplines to be the most effective path. As a result, we make teamwork part of the process—from workshops in discovery all the way through to deployment.

You appreciate an analytical, data-driven approach to developing strategy.

We love data, and it powers our best projects.
We love data, and it powers our best projects.

We always want to know what your business reality is, rather than making an assumption. This can be challenging, as it sometimes forces a re-examination of existing practices and policies, therefore, the next point is important…

You are open to change.

If you're open to change, you are ready to collaborate.
If you’re open to change, you are ready to collaborate.

To be truly innovative, we have to challenge existing assumptions and practices. While change can be uncomfortable, it is better to drive data-driven change than passively react to market changes later.

You have a continuous process improvement mindset.

To collaborate best, you need to have a plan for continual improvement.
To collaborate best, you need to have a plan for continual improvement.

In today’s web environment and competitive marketplace, the only fixed truths are that change is constant and competition is fierce. A one-and-done approach will lead to a solution that could quickly become dated and ineffective. Instead, our most successful clients are constantly monitoring their key metrics, looking for opportunities, then leveraging new solutions for the opportunities they find. That done, the cycle repeats anew.

Like what you hear? Let’s work together.

When you watch our team in workshops, whiteboard sessions, and presentations, you can see all of the above in action. We are most excited by digging into understanding customer needs and providing innovative solutions. If you approach your project and your organization the same way, then we’re eager to get started on our partnership.

To get a closer look at some of our recent work, take a look at our collaboration on the official website and the site redesign and rebrand for Campbell University. In addition, you can also experience our culture in action by joining us at our next Thirsty Thursday party on August 24. It’s a great way to meet our people, and enjoy good food and drink while talking shop.

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