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We Moved! Meet the New Home of ABT

Atlantic BT has a new home. It’s true. We’ve moved. As our ranks continued to grow and business thrived, it was clearly time for an office upgrade. We needed a space that gave us plenty of room for big ideas, great opportunities, and very intense Foosball. As the ABT Office Manager, it’s my pleasure to invite you to our new location and show you what we’ve been up to and where we plan to go from here.

Rachel McKay at new ABT
Welcome to the new ABT! I’ll be right behind this desk.

When I heard that ABT would be moving, I stalked the new location like you would an ex-boyfriend on Facebook (but with far more optimism). The building we were in at the time had served us well, but our new building had everything we needed and then some. Space! Light! Food trucks! Top secret buttons! It was going to be great. On top of that, the building was also LEED-certified. Working in a cool new space while also helping to save the planet? Yes, please.

conference room at ABT
Our new conference room inspired us to practice our serious meeting faces.

With everyone ready and on board, we were prepared for our adventure. The great thing about my coworkers at ABT is no one hesitated to offer a helping hand or allow the move to distract them from the projects they were working on. As the move took place, it was business as usual. Everything was completely normal. To be fair, there were some hiccups along the way. One chair was temporarily lost. There was some anxiety around the coffee machine. Too many questions asked about secret buttons. Standoffs within departments to claim desks thankfully never claimed any lives and no employees were harmed in the making of the new ABT office.

ABT employees in heated discussion
Moving isn’t easy on the emotions, but we talked it out—and Allan found his chair.

We’re all happy to be settled in and enjoying the space. I especially love my new, central location at our office’s entrance. It’s great to be able to see everyone as they come in. Have I mentioned that I also have a new button behind my desk?  It makes me feel drunk with power. The button’s capabilities have piqued a great deal of curiosity but you will not see a picture of it (It is, after all, a secret button.).

5 ABT employees around meeting table with nerf gun
Our flexible meeting spaces give us a lot of options for important ABT discussions—and nerf negotiations.

As for our current and future clients, they have a lot to look forward to. Here are just a few things that you can count on:

Excessive Quality Service

ABT employees around ABT quality awards

Groundbreaking Creativity

ABT employees around design white board

Awesome People

ABT front end developers at work

Superior Nerf Battles

   ABT employees with nerf guns

Space to Do Great Things

ABT office space

We’re proud of the steps we’ve taken to move our company forward and we’re happy to have you along for the journey. Our doors are open. Contact us today if you’d like to arrange a visit!  

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