Atlantic BT’s Experience Team is well-versed in business process analysis, user research, testing, and design. Our patented approach to solving complex web problems has lead to many success stories. Learn more about some of our company’s UX research and design projects throughout the years. Streamlining Web Navigation to Reduce Direct Calls serves 9.9 million people in North Carolina. As a wide range of users attempted to navigate, the link-heavy interface and discrepancies in navigation across different agencies frustrated visitors. This often led visitors to call the agency office directly instead of finding it online, wasting the time of state employees and taxpayers.
Atlantic BT reimagined using a user-centric content governance strategy and digital style guide to unify the look and feel of every agency page. The new used a streamlined, mobile-friendly sitemap that made it simple to find essential information across devices.
Atlantic BT also performed persona research to create a flexible design system that would adapt to each agency’s needs. With a streamlined navigation, mobile-friendly sitemap, and a system for publishing new content; achieved a user-friendly structure.
ScottMadden: Building a Filterable Resource Library & New Taxonomy
ScottMadden wanted to leverage the content on their website to engage their audience and develop relationships. However, the content was extremely difficult to find and lacked a human-centric strategy. Being a consulting firm, their people were the ones creating content and relationships, and the website needed to highlight consultants’ individual expertise.
Atlantic BT developed a taxonomy to connect their areas of focus to both insights and the internal thought leaders creating these insights. A new insights library showcased all of their content, allowing users to search and filter for what they sought out. Furthermore, the library helped users navigate to similar content or additional pieces by the same author.
Campbell University: Rebranding & Website Redesign
Campbell University was in search of a partner to unify their brand and build a more effective website. Seventy-five percent of Campbell students and staff reported difficulty finding information on the university’s website, while each school used a separate design and navigation.
Atlantic BT conducted in-depth research and workshops with many university stakeholders to identify pain points. We then collaborated with stakeholders to define universal elements to unify the look and feel of each school’s page.
Atlantic BT also analyzed which pages, images, and videos would be the highest performing tools for engagement, organizing these assets accordingly on the new We also streamlined the interface for the new to make it more mobile-friendly, catering to a wider audience.
As a result, Campbell University gained a modern, unified brand with consistent experiences across each school. They reported an increase in admissions and user satisfaction with their new design.
NC State University: Conducting User Testing to Enhance Adoption of a New Application
NCSU had a large quantity of diverse course offerings, which are summarized to students via a syllabus. However, a legacy of flexible policy caused an inconsistency in syllabi quality. NCSU wanted to create a new application to centralize and standardize syllabus entry for faculty. The application needed to be built with flexibility for changing configurations and easily adopted by users (both teachers uploading materials and students consuming them).
Atlantic BT worked closely with the NCSU development team to architect a solution. The chosen JSON-based configuration method would provide the desired flexibility and ease of configuration.
Knowing that user adoption would be challenging, we performed paper prototype testing in the design phase to identify issues and improvement opportunities. Our UX and Design team created an interface for simple administration and use by faculty, with a roll out strategy shaped by previous test results.
Learn More About our User Experience Solutions
If you are interested in learning more about our services, reach out for a free consultation. Our Experience Team can help with project planning, user testing, and enhancing your website or application’s user experience.