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Tonia Talks Mobile at Annual SC Nonprofit Conference

On my way to “Famously Hot”  Columbia, SC last week to present on mobile technology for nonprofits at SCANPO’s annual conference,  I reflected on all I”m able to do “on the go” ~  Browsing & posting to social media, texting, searching for stuff,  taking then sharing photos & consuming media..all up 10-fold.  What did I ever do without this thing?

3 years since the big plunge, only lost my iPhone once – painful day.   Today I’ll engage in full panic mode if I suspect I’ve lost again.  I know many are nodding heads.  Grasping in your purse or coat pocket, frantic look on face..

Why do we do this?

These devices have become our lifeline –  highly personal, portable and easy to engage with whomever or whatever wanted – precisely when and where we wish.

Says Facebook’s CTO:
“We would have been a mobile app if created today.”

As last week’s blog stated, the mobile generation is here, and here to stay.

Here are top suggestions I highlighted during SCANPO’s conference regarding mobile:

  • Assign an internal staff as mobile ambassador
  • research what others in your industry are doing with mobile
  • track mobile traffic via Google analytics
  • send mobile friendly emails to increase response rates.
  • Conduct a mobile needs-assessment

What should bigger brands and businesses be doing in mobile:

  • Consumer facing?  A mobile website is a must.  Google now ranks mobile sites higher when search is conducted via mobile web.  Over half of local searches now are done via mobile.  Businesses not addressing miss an entire portion of their audience.  An audience who’s going elsewhere.
  • Business facing?  Your clients are still individuals adopting mobile, likely Smartphones.  Make it easy and quick to digest information, more quickly trust, then work with you.  This means strategy: analyzing what content to mobilize, levels of engagement, and so on.

SCANPO Keynote Robert Egger, President of DC Central Kitchen, summed it up perfectly:

There are three types of people: Those who keep their head down, lift up for a glimpse or march out to meet the future.

Which are you?

Setting your mobile strategy today will secure a lifelong relationship and customer.  It doesn’t have to be challenging or burdensome.  It does need to be done.

Contact me at Tonia(dot)Zampieri (at) AtlanticBT(dot)com or on Twitter to discuss your mobile strategy.

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