Why Your Business Needs To Be Relevant To The Mobile Generation
Tonia Zampieri shares why every business needs to think Mobile Now. Whether you’re a small/midsized business, a nonprofit, or a larger company, the mobile tsunami is here:
- Smartphone sales are up 63.1% with almost 500M sold last year (worldwide)
- 5.9 billion of the 7 billion people on the planet have a mobile phone (84%)
- 103.3% of US have mobile phones (some have more than one why more than 100% penetration)
- Over 300,000 apps developed in 3 years
- 81% mobile phone users browse social media, 77% search for things
- Americans spend 2.7 hours a day socializing on mobile devices
Big brands and multi-national businesses are embracing a ‘mobile first’ strategy. Waiting on a mobile strategy runs the risk of seeming ‘out of touch’. Do you want to lose touch with the mobile generation?
Email Atlantic BT’s mobile marketing team Tonia.Zampieri(at)Atlanticbt(dot)com to stay in touch with the mobile generation.
Who is the mobile generation?
Moms, dads, students, blue collar workers, white collar workers, minorities, hipsters, teens, nerds, grandparents, and, well everyone has a mobile phone. Most businesses would answer a simple, “Yes” when asked if they need to reach anyone and everyone. There seems to be a disconnect. Most small and mid-sized businesses and many nonprofits see their mobile strategy as a ‘nice to have’ not a ‘right now’ priority.
Why mobile now
Mobile should be a ‘right now’ priority because:
- Most web access will be via mobile devices by 2014 according to Gartner and others
- A Jan 2012 Nielsen survey of 20,000 Americans with mobile phones found “Smartphone penetration now at 48 percent.
- The prized 24-34 age group showed greatest smartphone ownership with 66 percent indicating they own a smartphone.
- More than half of phone buyers under 65 selected a smartphone
Mobile Usage Exploding Into A Phone And Business Near You
Every type of mobile usage is on the rise; most notably, and important for consumer facing organizations, mobile web, mobile app and social media usage is growing.
Whatever we’ve been doing online via desktop or laptop computers consumers and business partners expect to do via mobile. StumbleUpon’s recent redesign (covered by FastCompany) around their 800% rise in mobile growth illustrates how fast “if you build it they will come” operates in mobile. In a year and a half SumbleUpon moved from tiny mobile usage to millions of mobile “stumbles” and a base of 20 million users.
Email Tonia.Zampieri(at)Atlanticbt(dot)com for a Free Mobile Review
Getting Mobile Started
Creating a mobile presence isn’t as hard as you think and Atlantic BT’s mobile marketing group can help:
- Create a mobile website
- Create a mobile app so your customers can interact with businesses services
- Integrate QR codes and Blippar into your digital strategy
- Buy mobile advertising – ever noticed how many people walk head down into their phone now? Use that behavior in your local businesses favor.
- 95% of all text messages are read, so maybe your emails should be text messages?
Are You relevant to the mobile generation?
No matter how you honestly answer this question today, Atalntic BT can help make sure your company, brand or product successfully goes mobile.
Yes, I want to discuss mobile marketing. (please email Tonia.Zampieri(at)Atlanticbt(dot)com).