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Mobile Contests, Google+ & Live Voting Bring New Experience

Mobile technology is new kid on the block.   So are Google+ Hangouts &  Social enabled Contests.   What do you get when you combine all three?

This Thursday at 6pm ET/9PM PT, a merger of online & offline experiences are set to provide anyone involved in the world what is calling “NEWISM” .

The concept that we as consumers and thus human beings love experiencing new things

Increasingly, we want to be left guessing, have new experiences, or Experience Cramming, whereby consumers want to mix-n-match as many new and varied experiences as possible. ( another nugget).

This doesn’t just refer to products.   People are tired of the same ole’ song and dance when it comes to live events or long, laborious and (sometimes month’s in the  process) written grant submissions.  Couple this with the explosion of US Smartphone usage  and tsunami of demand for mobile optimized experiences and, well, continue on…

Here’s a preview of what’s happening at Atlantic BT’s  ‘Experience Cramming’ event this Thursday:

1.  Live Pitch – Think Shark Tank.

Each of our four nonprofit finalists  will deliver a 5 minute “pitch” live via  Google+ Hangout, streaming for anyone in the world to watch. If Tiger Woods and Conan O’Brien can host ’em – why can’t we?

Instead of laughing with a late night joker or chatting on golf swings – participants will share & learn how Atlantic BT’s $25,000 mobile grant will improve lives.    If you’ve wondered just how investment in mobile strategy, marketing and technology services will improve your bottom line – it might be worth joining us.

2.  “Gives Back” Vote-Off.

As if nerves weren’t already frayed, once finalists experience giving a live “pitch”, our real-time voting will launch at 7:00 pm ET/4:00 pm PT.  The polls will open here at Atlantic BT’s Raleigh headquarters and online at our Contest homepage.

Voting only lasts 45 minutes!  Will we top 11,697 – the number of votes cast during our semi-finalist round?

3.  Winner Announced “Live” On-Air.  

Yep, you guessed it.  This will be a nailbitter right til the very end.   At approximately 7:30 PM ET we will hide vote count from public viewing.  Public voting closes at 7:45 ET/4:45 PT.     At 8pm ET on the nose – live in Raleigh and broadcast throughout the world via Google+Hangouts – our “Gives Back” $25,000 Mobile Grant Contest Grand Prize Winner will be announced.

Reality TV at it’s finest folks.  Are you in?    

Remember, live streaming will be here – posted on our Facebook page and on twitter using Hashtag #ABTGivesBack

Have other “Newism” experiences to share?

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