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Internet Marketing – 5 Magical Do More With Less Curation Tools

5 Do More With Less Curation Tools
Note: This post went so viral so fast I had to write a post about the post (lol). Viral Marketing – 5 Magical Curation Tools Reaches Over 600,000 gave this post 11% more followers and did well on its own with 193,000 followers added to bring the total between these two posts to 665,221 followers who’ve seen the article via Retweets.

Internet Marketing’s Squeeze

Internet marketers are in the classic squeeze. Demands are going up as budgets are tightened. Ecommerce and B2B Internet marketers are making money and growing, but belts are tightening as the longest recession since the depression grinds on. More than just a new, lower profit world: Things that trim margins, such as brutal “red ocean” competition and the new Social, Mobile and hyper-Local (SoLoMo) world, are gaining ground faster and faster (read More and More, Faster and Faster, Better and Better for more on this key content network marketing concept).

So we are under some serious pressure, we happy few Internet marketers. Before you jump off the roof, here are five “do more with less” tools that may help:

I’ve written extensively about my love for this magic wand of a curation, creation and social content creation tool: Rocks II

Likes and Dislikes of New Scoopit UI

Scoopit Rocks Here Is Why

The key to all “do more with less” tools is this graph (blue columns are my curation, white line is visitation):

scoopit do more with less example
Note how my curation can afford to actually be less and less, even as it generates more and more.

2. Pinterest
Pinterest is a magic collage of a tool. You don’t build followers as fast as Twitter, but they stay longer and contribute more. The SEO benefits of Pinterest come from the very long tail of the content you create. When a new-to-you follower joins and follows a board, you depreciate all that work faster and faster for more and more.

What a brilliant curation tool is If I could meet the geniuses at SmallRivers who figured out how to create the business rules to fuel the nuclear rods of this auto-publication tool, I would buy them lunch. Fair warning, I have a guest blog post up on the blog right now, but that is chicken after the egg of love I have for this brilliant “do more with less” tool. The amount of Retweets, G+ and Facebook love you get for the amount of effort you have to put in is gold at the end of the rainbow worthy.

Hunch is still my favorite looking “do more with less” tool. A fellow Vassar alum and a talented team created the curator’s art and the curator as artist. There is, bar none, no more beautifully functional lines taken to a higher level where Maslow meets Walter Gropius meets Kurt Schwitters. is an example of how a tool can awaken the artist in all of us. do more with less content curation tool

5. Google Insights for Search

Use this tool well and it will save you millions of dollars and years of your life. It can be a little tricky to understand how the data is pegged to itself, forcing an ever renovating 5 words, but you will love it once the not very steep learning curve is overcome. Easiest way to get comfortable is download the raw data out to Excel, as it provides a view that explains what is happening behind the curtain.

Share Your Favorite Tools
There are other tools (Zite, Flipboard, Twitter, Facebook – especially the ad tool), but these are my top 5. What are your favorite “do more with less” curation tools?

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