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This is When Your Web Design Team Should be in Touch

You’ve made it to this moment. Finally, you have decided on a direction to head in with your large web development project. As a result, you’ve found and chosen the best creative vendor for the job. You’ve also signed a contract, paid a deposit, and cleared them to begin working. So, now what? How often should you expect to hear from your web design team?
There isn’t a set answer to this question, of course, given that every project and client are different. Some of the executives we work with like to communicate with us regularly. Others only want updates when we have something new to show them. And some only want us to check in and get their input before making important decisions. Also, consider the web development process itself. There are some parts that call for more feedback than others.
You should never feel left out of the loop when it comes to the progress made on new layouts, software, and features. In fact, there are a few communication moments you should always plan for and expect.
Here are the most noteworthy occasions when you can count on hearing from your web design team.

Project Discovery and Kick Off Meetings

The first few weeks of a web development project require most of the client’s time. There are going to be interviews and follow up questions about the organization itself. Also plan on information gathering about topics like users and future goals.

Regular Updates and Check-ins

Once the preliminary discovery phase is out of the way, you should still hear from your design and development team regularly. If nothing else, they’re going to want to fill you in on the progress they are making. You can be kept up to speed on how everything is coming together and know when to anticipate future updates.

Milestone Achievement and Review

Your website development plan should include a number of milestones, such as the creation of market pages or a wireframe that shows how your website and content will be organized. Expect to hear from your web design team during these times, and to be able to provide feedback without too much delay.

Escalation or Decision Trees

You may hear from your project manager or even individual designers or programmers when certain “either-or” decisions have to be made. Your input should guide the process, particularly when there is any disagreement or lack of clarity about the best way to move forward.

Follow Up After the Website Launch

Website development doesn’t end after a site goes live; it simply moves on to the next phase. Your web design team will want to stay in touch with you to review analytics, update content, make programming tweaks, and ensure your online marketing campaigns are working as planned.

All things considered, you’ll find it’s normal to hear from your web designers at least once a week. Expect this to increase when you reach a design stage that calls for more improvements. Making the time to develop a productive dialogue with a creative partner is worth the effort. Especially if you are lucky enough to find a web design team committed to keeping you involved. We don’t mean with only the occasional meeting. We mean every step of the way. Then, you’ll be on a straight path to success, getting the web presence your organization needs.
If you are searching for said creative partner…we know some people. Contact Atlantic BT’s design and development teams for a free consultation.

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