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Featuring a new design-centric meetup, learn some “crop”

Atlantic BT hosted the inaugural Crop Meetup, featuring our very own. This is a meetup about everything design presented by professional designers. The format is broken down into two segments. The first portion features an overall design theme and the second showcases a cool method or new technology related to design.

Crop is about sharing methods and techniques. We want to give designers a platform to showcase their skills and learn about the latest and greatest. If you love design, love to collaborate then we want you at the next Crop meetup.

The first topic presented by Corey Brinkmann, Senior Designer @atlanticbt, highlighted some tips and techniques on creating your own custom textures. He bounced back and forth between Photoshop and Illustrator. He showed the engaging audience how to create your own vector brushes using simple sketch scans. Then he asked us to “channel our inner image” by highlighting some ways to alter the channels to create depth and layer our own textures from secondary images.

The second portion was a continuation where Mark Riggan, Senior Designer / Front-End Developer @atlanticbt, repurposed some of Corey’s final comps to introduce a “resolutionary” method for making “the beautifully well-crafted textured images translate properly on higher density screens like Apple’s Retina Display.”

The audience of 55ish talented designers, photographers, developers asked great relevant questions. Overall we felt the inaugural Crop meetup was a huge success and hope to keep it going on a monthly basis. Crop is designed to be a place where we can all learn and get better. In short it’s By Designers, For Designers. If you are interested in collaborating and learning from some talented “crop” of designers, then make sure to check out next month’s topic, Creating Custom Color Palettes. Details to be announced soon.

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Twitter: @Crop_Meetup

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