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Continuous Quality Score – CQS

Continuous Quality Score (CQS)

How can we save time and money spent on web development and Internet marketing? This was the question Atlantic BT Founder Jon Jordan faced as our company grew from a handful of employees to almost seventy.

After fourteen years of company growth while successfully undertaking many web development and Internet marketing challenges, Jon knows that web development and Internet marketing are organic, fluid things. Any plan is as good as the commitment between web development company and client. Changes are inevitable and anticipated, but progress is measurable and knowable.

The key is for developers (us) and customers to stay on the same page and be flexible. Flexibility is important. Web development and Internet marketing change all the time, so new market, competitive and technical changes require responsive flexibility. Projects need tracking, modification, and careful stewardship to stay on budget and to meet launch goals. Each week Atlantic BT launches new web sites and Internet marketing initiatives, but, Jon realized, a new approach was needed to keep tabs on our increasingly complex projects as they travel toward their “go live” dates.

Continuous Quality Score – CQS
Jon charged Atlantic BT to develop a new tool called CQS or Continuous Quality Score.  CQS is a simple weekly customer survey with a single question:

On A 10 Point Scale, Where 10 Is “Very Likely” and 1 is not very likely, are you likely to recommend Atlantic BT to others?

If scores are low, the second question asks permission to call. Such a weekly check takes seconds to complete but saves hours or days of misdirected project management time. CQS will save customer and Atlantic BT time. Similar to the Net Promoter Score, CQS is our application of Net Promoter score to web development and Internet marketing project management.

Atlantic BT will be rolling CQS out soon to all customers, so look for full CQS details soon.

– Marty

The Atlantic BT Manifesto

The Ultimate Guide To Planning A Complex Web Project


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