Enter Content Curation Contest
Win an Ipad 2 or Kindle FIRE
The first Content Curation Contest seeks to discover the Top 10 content curators of 2011. The contest has two phases: APPLICATION (ends 226) and VOTING (starts the next day). If you love to curate content on Facebook, Twitter or Scoop.it you might win an Ipad 2, Kindle Fire or Fame and fortune with a profile page on Atlantic BT and a “TOP CURATOR” handle.
Easy Curation Contest Application
Wanted to keep application easy, friendly and FAST. The toughest question asks to describe your curration philosophy. This is a question I’m not sure I could answer. I curate a little like I used to paint. Generally I curate the intersection of Internet marketing, cancer survivorship, art and startups – the things I love and care about (cycling creeps in there too). We don’t need a polemic about curation philosophy as much as we need your sense of motivation and where you want to help, where you want to make a difference with your content curation. Don’t over think, have fun and know everyone at Atlantic BT appreciates your hard work.
Win Fame, Fortune and Appreciation
We created the Content Curation Contest to say THANKS and heap some rewards on people who help first and worry about awards later. Click on the link above to fill out our contest application – only takes a few minutes and you may be selected as a top curator, win fame, fortune and some of those drinks with little umbrellas in them. Good luck and thanks for everything you do to help others understand the information revolution.
Thanks for your had curating work. Together we understand faster and better than apart. Wisdom of curated crowds is the only way to survive Moore’s Law of content chaos.
Martin Smith
Director Marketing