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Make Your New Digital Dream Big With a Surprisingly Small Plan

In the world of complex web development, many new digital projects are born of big dreams. When it seems like the sky is the limit, it’s hard to remember the ground. As organizations begin to develop their objectives, grand ideas are front and center. Anything is possible to build on the Internet, right? Clients will come to us brimming with creativity, hope, and drive. They have concepts for new apps, fresh content, and sites with hundreds, or even thousands, of pages.
This enthusiasm is healthy and can lead to wonderful things. But, at the beginning of a project, we often invite executives to take a deep breath. Then we ask them to consider taking a lean approach to their conceived digital solution. That means taking their big ideas and slimming them down to size, at least for an initial website release.
There are tools available now that allow us to do more than we ever could before online. If bigger web design projects mean more business for our company, why do we encourage our clients to think smaller? We’ve known this is the secret to success for a while. There are significant advantages to building a big project by thinking small.

Working Lean Frees Up Resources

We’ll start with the most obvious and straightforward advantage. When you work on a leaner version of your website, you’re using fewer resources. Smaller budgets and less time needed to complete tasks all help you save in the long run. And it’s all you need to get things moving.
If you work in a stretched thin organization or department, this is a significant benefit. You’re already making the most of every hour and dollar. Starting a big web project that, at first glance, looks like a total drain? Terrifying. Starting a big web project that keeps all resources in check? Relief. This approach allows you to spread out the cost of your project over several time periods. This is very beneficial from a financial planning point of view.

Smaller Projects are Easier to Manage

Let’s be honest. Stress is a factor in every project we take on, no matter how simple or complicated. When you choose to conquer your big digital project in a smaller way, it becomes less overwhelming. A larger, more encompassing plan might involve hundreds of different choices and elements. When you bring your vision down to size, it becomes easier to oversee the entire process. Soon, the designing and programming become more accessible to everyone. That’s a stress reducer.
There are real risks in biting off more than you can chew when you tackle your complex web development. Digital projects can becomes delayed and hold up the entire team and company. They can go past their allotted budgets, causing financial strain and diminish investment. The whole thing can grind to a halt if stakeholders can’t get on the same page or even know what page they’re on. These are less likely to happen when you’re focusing on something that is more manageable.

It’s Easier to Keep a Successful Project Moving

When you set out to build a leaner, smaller first version of your website, it’s easier to make progress. Additionally, it becomes easier to see that project to completion. The results of your team’s work is more obvious to see and shorter milestones are easier to reach. This keeps everyone moving forward and with high morale. That, in turn, gives you the confidence and credibility you need to take the next step.
This is a snowball effect that you can use to your advantage. Especially when you need to get funding and approvals for a second round of web development. A plan with noticeable and documented success always stands out. It’s easier, then, to get others on board. They can feel assured that you are moving in the right direction and prepared to continue upward.

Looking for the Best Way to Build a Big Website?

At Atlantic BT, we are experts in complex and institutional web design. If you’re ready to turn your vision for a larger improved web presence into a reality, talk to our designers and programmers to see how we can help. 


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