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AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Journey with AWS She Builds

The Certified Cloud Practitioner journey is about as simple as you allow it. The AWS She Builds program is strictly for women or individuals who identify as women. However, this post will discuss the free resources offered in a non-structural format, allowing all individuals interested in getting certified to learn more. Most importantly, studying for 1-3 months and taking the exam while it’s fresh in your mind is recommended.

The initial sign-up process for AWS She Builds was simple. There are individual cohorts that span eight weeks. To clarify, you’re not limited to those eight weeks as it’s self-paced. Therefore, taking this journey with a full-time job is possible. However, they request that you get through the process within a specific time frame to get a free voucher ($100 USD value). There is a requirement to attend the initial onboarding meeting. After that, they will send an email, including an invite to Slack, and your journey will begin! They offer near-immediate responses to questions within the Slack channels. In addition, previous cohorts and other women who are more experienced can also provide guidance.

The next cohort starts on August 25th (2022):

AWS She Builds – SkillUp with CloudUp – Cloud Practitioner

What is AWS She Builds

  • Flexible 8-week program for individuals who identify as women only.
  • Community-driven learning environment.
  • Utilizes AWS Skillbuilder for structure.
  • It provides a baseline structure to keep you on track.
    • A weekly guided academic-based flow with modules and dates to help you stay on track.
  • Live training sessions and webinars.
  • Study groups within Slack that are available online across the globe.
  • Resources from external sources are provided for extra practice.
  • Weekly live Q&A sessions for any individuals who feel ‘stuck’ or just want to listen.

Why is AWS She Builds just for women?

  • AWS She Builds desires to bridge the gender gap, pay discrepancies, and lack of diversity in IT teams.
  • Allows women to bond and come together to discuss tech, leadership, and network for career expansion.

What about others?

The resources used for AWS She Builds are available for free for others. The caveat to that is that you cannot participate in live webinars or Q&A sessions or get the detailed structure paths the mentorship provides.

Resources to get certified for Cloud Practioner:

AWS Training and Certification Skill Builder

Digital Cloud Cloud Practitioner Cheat Sheet

AWS Educate

AWS Power Hour

Cloud Practitioner YouTube Playlist

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