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Atlantic BT to Launch Grant Contest

Stop the presses!  In April, Atlantic BT will host our first ever grant contest open exclusively to any nonprofit in the United States.  2012’s focus?  Mobile.   What types of technology tools and services will we give away?
It could be a mobile website that delivers important health education,  a mobile app that shows visitors their way around the zoo, highlighting that new baby panda – OR – it could help that community walk-a-thon blow the top off last year’s fundraising total.

That will all depend on who scores the coveted prize.

We’re not talking chump change here.  Up for grabs?
$25 ,000 (Twenty-five Thousand)  worth of ABT talent towards killer mobile technology strategy & development.   Mobile can take your cause to an entirely new level – and we are poised to deliver results.

Atlantic BT, at it’s core, has always been a philanthropic company.  Since the beginning, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of technology software and services have been contributed to local nonprofits  and beyond.  While impossible to measure the number of lives we’ve touched, one thing is for sure:
Giving back is in our bones.

While a fun, generous and creative company, we’ve never incorporated an interactive contest into the mix.   Until now.


What makes running a contest so beneficial?

1. It forces entering organizations to strategically think about how they would best capitalize on a technology solution.

2. It provides a repository to share what peers in particular sectors will come up with, creating a knowledge base of ideas and concepts that would otherwise go un-discussed.

3.  Finally, it allows the entire community to engage with one another and build expertise in a new area, increasing impact and results for all involved.

How can your cause create a compelling contest entry for utilizing mobile most effectively?
Here’s a couple of strategy questions to start the juices flowing:

What are your most pressing goals of 2012 and 2013?
While funding always comes top of mind first, what other challenges or opportunities exist that would be most impacted by a mobile strategy?   It could be growing and managing  your volunteer base, educating youth on energy conservation, enabling field staff to collect critical data – and a myriad of other uses.

Think about not only desired results but how this project  could position your organization as innovators in your respective field.

Who are your target audiences and how are they engaging with technology?

Listing the various personas who engage with your cause and how utilizing mobile as a channel can deepen their relationship with you will help develop an understanding of the power mobile delivers.

Keep your eyes peeled...follow us and be first to hear when Atlantic BT ‘Gives Back’ Grant Contest goes live.

PS:  Start brainstorming an how you’ll use video to share your idea too 😉

~ Tonia

The Atlantic BT Manifesto

The Ultimate Guide To Planning A Complex Web Project


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