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Employing New Technology for an Innovative Health Clinic

Atlantic BT is proud to announce a new partnership with Wake Forest Baptist Health and Allegacy Federal Credit Union for their joint endeavor, WellQ.

Allegacy Wake Forest Baptist Health WellQ

WellQ is a first of its kind health clinic and credit union. The clinic provides on-site medical services for minor illnesses. It also provides financial planning and education. Other services offered for individuals include:

  • Wellness checks 
  • Health and financial workshops
  • Personal and medical budgeting tools
  • Monitoring of chronic conditions 

This is just the beginning. Companies can also employ WellQ for employee use.  

WFBH and Allegacy created WellQ to enhance the physical and financial health of its members. They saw a correlation between personal well-being and stress caused by both financial and health issues. And so, WFBH and Allegacy decided to combine forces to alleviate that type of anxiety. Allegacy President and CEO, Cathy J. Pace, says, “Healthcare expense can be one of the top costs for families and a WellQ membership can be a vital part of financial planning for those who need an affordable, convenient place to go for minor illnesses, as well as valuable financial education and planning assistance.” The WellQ project needed a team player who wouldn’t shy away from challenges and new ideas. Atlantic BT jumped on board.  

Creating New Services From Scratch


The partnership between the three companies had a positive and productive start. A well-communicated kick off session resulted in a strong vision for moving forward. Every step and goal was clear to all involved. The long term objectives of the WFBH/Allegacy team were inspiring. Atlantic BT began to develop software that would lay the groundwork for WellQ’s inaugural website. The aim was to create a strong foundation for the initial establishment of WellQ, as well as the big plans in store for the future. 

Modern Technology For a Strong Future

WellQ offered a particular and unique set of services. ABT utilized Angular and other new technology to provide the most up to date platform and site abilities. This custom healthcare software allows users to sign up for a membership. Then they can log in and manage their membership through a dashboard. All options and plans are kept and organized efficiently in one place. WellQ employees are also able to utilize the software to track clinic visits and member needs. Json Web Tokens (JWT) work to securely manage user information. JWTs verify a member and authenticate shared data between that member and WellQ. All personal health and financial records remain safe and tamper-free. Angular offers modern, clean code that allows the WellQ site to be more than a simple, static page. The site includes interactive, app-like features to enhance the UX. As ABT .NET Developer Dan Sweet says: 

“It’s a rare opportunity to develop a website for a brand new company. ABT worked in tandem with the physical building of the new office, bringing life to the idea both on- and offline. Being the first means less to emulate and an increased number of risks involved to see if this brand new idea would work. The WellQ process remained flexible for all teams on board to accommodate changes and adjusted needs as the project evolved. This flexibility allowed for stronger work to be produced in a supportive team environment.”

WellQ – Powered by Dedication and Partnership

The result was the building of something wholly original. Atlantic BT will continue to be on deck as WellQ grows. We will adapt the dashboard software to accommodate new services. Customer feedback inspire UX design and WellQ’s marketing presence. With ten production departments, ABT is uniquely situated to provide a wealth of knowledge across the internet spectrum. Daniel Hooks, Director of Project Management said it best. “You have to care. That is part of the value that ABT provides. We’re personally invested in the success of every project we work on.”

WFBH, Allegacy, and Atlantic BT are all dedicated to serving their communities. Providing opportunities for others to receive the care they need is important. Helping others be aware of how their health can affect their financial future (and vice versa) is empowering for all involved. ABT is proud to move forward with this partnership. We will continue to create exemplary work that strengthens clients and consumers alike.  

Interested in partnering with Atlantic BT? Contact us here.

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