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Afternoon Raleigh Internet Summit Notes – Mobile Presence

@darylhemeon #ISUM11 has a lot of my notes from the day as well

Driving Innovation in Audio : How ESPN Takes Content Local, Mobile and Social

@espn Traug Keller Senior VP, Production, Business Division

This is a mix of my thoughts and pseudo quotes of all presenters.


ESPN’s mission is to bring sports to fans anywhere at anytime and now you can be bored in any meeting and watch ESPN.  This might be the greatest innovation in history.

They were one of the first radio companies to stream their presence. How are their audio users interacting with ESPN?

  1. 21.1 minutes with the Internet
  2. 12.3 minutes per day with Mobile
  3. 55.9 minutes with Terrestrial Radio
  4. 27.5 minutes with Streaming Radio

In 2010 the decided to put the World Cup on the Radio.  Many thought this was a dicey proposition.  During the Cup on an average day 6.6 million people tuned in to the coverage. Among all the listeners 30% were digital.  This is HUGE.

I have to get a hold of Traug’s slides because ESPN does great data management.  The thing they spent the most time on is the ESPN Radio App – Number One Paid App on iTunes. $2.99 one time fee.  They really focused on the less is more strategy.   The App has more than 500,000 downloads.   He dropped @sportsguy33 Bill Simmons, when he does a pod cast over 1 million people download it after it is posted and they have found a way to monetize it.

Mobile Audio is no more complicated than making the experience convenient, on the go, and INTERACTIVE.  They monitor the number of Tweets on Mike and Mike to see when to move on to a new topic.

The story for ESPN Audio is GROWTH.  The prediction of the session was that we may see the end of AM Radio in our life times because of mobile devices.  ESPN just make it easier to listen and they were able to increase revenue for ad sales.

Some stats:

  1. Most listened to sports stream on the planet
  2. ESPN brand lives in over 350 markets nationwide
  3. Over 24 million listeners per week consuming ESPN content
  4. Over 24 million total streaming listening hours
  5. Nearly 32.5 million session starts
  6. 9 million to 10 million podcast downloads per week

Someone asked a question about whether or not they were worried that users were transitioning to moving away from traditional cable providers.  Traug’s response was that people a lot smarter than him are going to try and figure that out.


Mobile Consumer Issues – Privacy and Trust

@franmaier Fran Maier President & Executive Chair, TRUSTe


Privacy Tips for developers: Get Serious about Privacy, Give Consumers Transparency and Choice, Always Ask Before Collecting Location Data, Prepare to Offer Opt-Outs For Mobile Ad Targeting, Push for Mobile App Directories to Filter by Privacy and Security.

Shorthand for TRUSTe is Transparency, Choice and Accountability.  TRUSTe works with companies to figure out how information is shared.  Consumers want choice over how their information is shared and they want CONTROL over how my information is shared.

A lot of apps are asking for notice about collecting location data, but they don’t explain what they are doing with their location information.

Without transparency 70% of all consumers think they are being tracked on your mobile phone, but we need to do a better job of educating consumers. 45% of consumers said that they would not share information even if they were offered free services.  Many consumers feel like the App Stores don’t give a good overview of privacy security.

300 of the largest free apps and only 25% of them have a link to their privacy policy, the message there is to really as consumers to push for privacy policies so you can hold companies accountable.

You can download a mobile privacy policy generator at TRUSTe if you don’t have one.

Commentary: The content of this presentation was really relevant to what is happening today in the mobile space, but the stats and survey’s were really powerful, but the slides and charts were not really very easy to read and they really were the story about educating the consumers so they can make better choices.

Uses for Location-Based Mobile Marketing for Non-Brick and Mortar Business

@gregkihlstorm Greg Kihlstrom, Chief Creative Officer and Founder, Carousel30


Why location based services?  It is all about engaging people about where they are physically located. How do you take advantage of this technology if you have on-line presence only. Location based marketing does not only mean FourSquare.

Consumer = location.  As the consumer you can become a location now.  Greg referenced the Heineken’s app that allows users to connect during soccer games.

Red Cross created a Blood Donor badge on FourSquare.

Deliver exclusive content that can only be delivered at a conference.  Animal Planet had a campaign at ComicCon where you had to find BigFoot and Tweet a picture if you found him.

History Channel has offered tips at Historical Places when you check in to them to better send a message about their brand.

One of his major points was to use the right medium to cater to the audience that you are trying to reach.  The California Department of Public Health created a text service to send locations where you could get a flew shot during the H1N1 crisis.

Not everyone is motivated by obtaining a FourSquare badge, but a lot of people think that it is valuable.  These are successful because they are exclusive!

Commentary: There is tons of room to grow in this arena, but find something that motivates and captivates your audience.  The main point is that mobile location marketing creates an opportunity to create ads that are beyond the normal flat advertising.

Right Here, Right Now: The New Pace of Mobile Consumer Insight

@lumimobile Dana Kirchman SVP, Head of Client Operations


The opportunities to survey your costumers are out there because you can collect information instantly and Report Immediately as to what is happening with your clients.

Mobile unites four insight types: Self Reported, Behavioral Insight ( your phone can tell you how far your drove to get a bargain ), Social Insight, Emotional Insight ( video recording of emotions in reactions to advertising ).

With the mobile world has the focus group died? Can you have access to larger groups and get access to data in the same day?

The challenges that are out there today are the multiple platforms (iPhone, Droid, iPad), device customization, data plans and costs of those plans are some of the challenges.  Are we trying to reach users that don’t have a TV, a high bandwidth plan, but they have a phone.

What is the potential of mobile?  Can an app capture health and wellness?  Can it capture leadership behaviors?  Could we use games as a diary? Is Crowd Memory very far away to share all of our experiences?

Commentary: This is more of a high level overview of what a few different valuable people in the industry are trying to push, but overall I thought it was at too high, too broad, but again some valuable insights.

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