There are lots of things to avoid when building a web application; but from our experience, #1 on the list is to avoid a bad application developer. The biggest problem when you engage with a bad application developer is that you won’t know until it’s too late.
Many times, we have been tasked with recovering bad choices from various customers. There is often no easy answer. We recently had to tell a customer that it would be faster and cheaper to start over than fix the mess a past developers had created. We don’t enjoy sharing that message (especially when a lot of money has been spent), but it’s an unfortunate reality.
Even if you don’t choose to use Atlantic BT to develop your web application, we’d be happy to help you figure out how to evaluate another developer.
Another common mistake is choosing the wrong development platform. Some technologies will limit who can work on your application, especially if it’s a fad. You generally want to stick to the languages with a large support base and libraries to choose from such as: .NET, Javascript, PHP, Python, and Go.