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We Browse, we Buy via Mobile

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, it’s hard not to notice the number of sites playing nice on your Smartphone. Whether receiving  emails full of retail specials or mobile browsing for goods and services, retailers want to be in your hands.  From flowers to foot massages, companies are quickly adapting to mobile, making it Uber easy to spend hard earned dough on the go.  But while the big brands such as 1-800-Flowers and Massage Envy are leading the charge, they’re also leaving  average e-commerce business & local brick & mortar’s in the virtual dust.

This recent Infographic (love it!) clearly explains just how big mobile commerce has gotten, and will continue to experience significant growth through at least 2015.   While debatable whether this trend will surpass desktop e-commerce, the ability for consumers to research products & services, secure their decision on mobile, then head to the store or their PC to shop is hard to measure.  But where this engagement starts is

Here’s a breakdown of online shopping behaviors, according to Exact Target, conducted in late 2011:

Both mobile websites and Smartphone applications are prominent mobile engagement tools for retailers- however mobile web is holding the lead thus far, according to a recent Nielsen Report.

If your company sells anything – I mean ANYTHING – a mobile strategy is in order – and quickly.  Tips to consider?

  • Check site traffic coming from mobile devices
  • Conduct keyword research for google mobile (google is ranking mobile sites higher in mobile search)
  • Mobilize pages for hot sellers, specials, then measure
  • Ask customers about their habits, provide incentive to purchase via mobile web, ask for feedback

Our mobile devices are increasingly personal to us.  Engage here, remain consistent with quality, keep us for life.

Has your company started a mobile strategy?  Please share with me on Twitter  or if you’re ready to mobilize your sales, contact me at tonia(dot)zampieri(at)atlanticbt(dot)com

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Questions & Answers

Are there differences in application architecture that are important for the cloud?
It is important to build applications and workloads specifically for the cloud. You will want to carefully consider what services the cloud provider of your choice has to offer and how your application leverages those services.
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Are there any drawbacks to cloud hosting?
Yes, there will always be some risks associated with any hosting option. You are relying on the resiliency and engineering of infrastructure that has scaled at an astounding rate.
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What’s the benefit of hosting in the cloud vs. traditional options?
Reasons not to host in the cloud are few and far between. If you don't host in the cloud, you will spend more in both CapEx and OpEx to manage your applications or websites in a traditional environment.
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How can I improve the performance of my application?
There are several primary reasons that applications perform poorly, and in some cases it’s a combination of several. 1) Data latency: If your application is making calls to a data source (whether it’s an API or a direct call) and there is latency at the data provider, your application performance will suffer.
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Should I move my application to the cloud?
The answer is ‘probably yes’. There aren’t many reasons for an application to be hosted elsewhere, aside from occasional compliance standards, or requirements to integrate with local services that would require large amounts of data to move from on-premise to cloud.
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Where should my application be hosted?

There are many different options for hosting, but most applications would do well with one of the cloud providers -- Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure.

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