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Voice Search Demands to be Heard by Your Website

Google currently estimates that voice search traffic accounts for more than 20% of its queries. This amounts to at least one billion voice searches per day. Some experts think that number will double or even triple in the next two years.

Either way, it’s clear that voice-assisted search is not only a big part of online marketing now. It is also a growing trend for the future. Consider the increasing technological options we have. We have voice search functionality through home devices and on our smart phones. And as Google recently demonstrated, this is nothing but the beginning.

Unfortunately, many organizations are not taking voice search into consideration. They are still approaching search engine optimization (SEO) the way they were 5 or 10 years ago. Now is the time to start thinking about ways to stay ahead of the search visibility curve. Let’s look at a few things you can do to optimize your website for voice search.

Learn to Think and Speak Like Your Best Customers

When optimizing your site for voice search, it isn’t enough to know what your best customers want to learn or find.  You actually have to think like them, so you can use the same words and terminology as they would.

A lot of business and industry insiders use jargon or brand names that the public hasn’t quite latched on to. That can be problematic if you want to attract buyers who are using voice search, looking for answers.

Emphasize Spoken Phrases Over Traditional Search Keywords

This goes hand-in-hand with our first point, but it’s worth mentioning. You’ll still want to have text on your website optimized for traditional queries. And yes, by traditional we mean typed. But you’ll also want conversational content that matches voice search strings.
In reality, it’s not usually difficult to find a balance. Also, using natural language content is a solid strategy for any marketer now. Google has made significant advancements with artificial intelligence. It can now understand things, like context and meaning, through a website. Keeping this in mind is a win for marketing.

Use Lots of Content to Make Your Website Into an Authoritative Resource

Google isn’t sending voice search users to random corners of the internet. Instead, it’s tweaking its existing algorithm to make better matches. So, websites with lots of existing content are benefiting from new voice capabilities. And these sites are the ones already receiving the most search traffic.
The more there is to your website, the more authoritative you can appear to searches. Search spiders, too! It will be easier for you to draw in traffic from apps and devices processing spoken queries.

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