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Top 3 Reasons to Redesign Your Website

Before embarking on any web design and development project, it’s important to ask a few key questions to best understand the reasons why the website needs to be redesigned to begin with. While every project is different, we’ve found that most businesses will decide to go through a website redesign when they are experiencing the following issues.

If any of these reasons resonate with why you feel your website is not attracting visitors or getting conversions, then it might be time to consider revamping your website.

1. You Want to Add More Functionalities to Your Website

Websites are now the most common point of contact between customers and companies, as well as among employees. Many websites incorporate payment processing, live chat, administrative tools, and other advanced features. These features require sophisticated technologies implemented within the code and backend of the website to function seamlessly and with zero downtime. Many businesses today are adding custom-built applications to their websites to allow customers to make purchases, add a modern feel to the site, and integrate with other systems (such as ERP, CRM, and POS). An experience web design and development company can really add value to your website by making it more functional for your users.

2. You Need an Industry Compliant Website

In addition to the reasons mentioned above for updating your website, there are a number of regulations and stringent compliance requirements many industries must adhere to today. For example, if you are a medical clinic or hospital and you want to provide online appointment booking services, you will need to be HIPAA compliant in order to do so. Even if you aren’t a medical facility or government agency, you may still need to comply with certain security and privacy regulations on your website. For example, if you are collecting sensitive information from users, you need to ensure that your site is secure. Failure to do so could result in serious consequences for both your business and its customers/clients. A web design and development agency can help ensure your website is compliant.

3. You Have Large Amounts of Content

With web design and development, it is crucial to have a clear navigation system in place so that potential customers and visitors can easily locate the information they need. Keep in mind that there are many elements of a website’s design that should be carefully considered before building. The goals should always be outlined prior to beginning the web design and development project and a plan that is focused on results should be followed. Here are a few of the ways websites with large amounts of content can keep things clear and consistent:

  • Keep the navigation simple and easy to use so users can easily find essential information.
  • Use an overall design format that works well with lots of text.
  • Make sure your fonts are legible and that there is an enhanced mobile experience.

If your website needs redesigning, these are just some of the main reasons why it could be a good idea. Whether you want to give your site a facelift or want more functionality, we hope this list has helped you decide the best path forward for your web design and development project.

At Atlantic BT we have over two decades of experience building software and integrating solutions for businesses across the globe. Our vast experience sets us up to be your trusted advisors in web design and development, and beyond! Let’s discuss your project!

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